Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Putney Roses"

Yesterday was the Putney painters' paint-out day. Quite a few of them showed up. I am honored to paint with them. I have spent a long time on this painting. I significantly slow down and tried to make all my brush works say something. I have struggled a little during the process, but result has turned out not bad. I may send it to one of the galleries representing me.


  1. Qiang, it turned out beautiful! I'm so honored to have been there to see you painting this piece. The workshop was wonderful and the Putney Painter's paint-out was so special. I feel I was in a sanctuary of Masters!

  2. Lovely work. Composition is so beautiful. Great job..

  3. just brilliant as always.... i loved this one more... for roses.

  4. Such beautiful light on the roses. My favorite part of the piece is the bold highlight on the rosebud on the left.

  5. I noticed the quality leap instantly. Very nice and yes a gallery piece for sure.

  6. Wow really love this painting, has a really good spring feel to it!

    abstract canvas

  7. This is absolutely gorgeous. You are one of my favorite painters!

  8. Beautiful! I love following your blog - thanks for sharing your gift with the rest of us! :-)

  9. I'm sure sorry I missed this event.. I will study your roses and try to paint the light and transparency you have captured so well. Are those Juliet's roses we searched throughout Brattleboro for? :-D
