Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Demo at New Braunfels 3" --- Sold

This is the 3rd demo. My intention was to show how to paint metal objects and get perspective correct. I have spent some time on the design. The painting involved size and shape variation of the props. The colors near the center of the focus capture the attention effectively.

This a couple of years. My art has progressed and brought me more opportunities. My small paintings are selling well. I am traveling all over the place teaching workshops. I got more galleries who are interested in representing me. Now I start to realize that planning and managing all the activity is non trivial issue. I haven't had a good management system and tools to coordinate all the events. I merely put most of  (if not all) things in my brain. Now I start to get an anxiety worrying that I might forget things. Sometime I wake up in the middle of night and questioning myself if I should be at another location. Recently I begin to search for any good system to manage my art. I have  encountered a book called GTD (Getting Things Done) by David Allen, and started to use ICal to record my activities. I think it will take me a while to get a working system going. If you are workshop organizer, gallery owner, show planner, press, or someone who have any work relationship with me. Please send reminders to me before any events. I am learning and will catch up soon. If you are using an effective management system. I really appreciate if you let me know. Thanks.


  1. Love how you've treated the brass in that pot!
    If you don't know about this it might be helpful in keeping track of your paintings and all those sales:

  2. If you want a good GTD app for the iPhone or iPad, then try an app called Things. It works very well for keeping thing organized. You can customize 'Things' to work with your way of doing things. It's about $20 and worth the price.

    As usual, your paintings are very good, and they keep getting better.

  3. Hi Chong, I just love what you did it, specially in this post. I am a painter too, but I still learning things, you know, it's all about new experiences and tactics.

  4. You're an inspiration to me as I would someday like to paint full time! A couple more good task management tools you might check out...ToodleDo and Remember the Milk. Personally, I use Toodledo to track my tasks and appointments. It does a nice job of reminding me what I need to do and what's coming up! I use that alongside Google Calendar.

  5. All three demos are beautiful, as always!

  6. Love this painting as all of yours. I'm such an admirer of your style. I just missed getting to take a workshop from you. I certainly hope to someday.
