Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Neighbor's House" --- Sold

Click Here to Bid

It is a beautiful day today, cool and breezy. The temperature is only 100 F. After so many super hot days, I felt very refreshing, and decided to do a plein air. I didn't go out, but went up to my balcony. The subject is the doorway of my cross street neighbor. Several days of color study and palette knife practice made this painting like a piece of pie (or cake whatever). I feel very happy about it and I am looking forward more cooler days coming and more plein air opportunities.

I want to devote this painting to the recent Daily Paintworks Challenge: fundraising to help the children of Africa. The fund will be donated to the American Red Cross for the children of Africa.


  1. That is really a nice cause to bid. The painting reminds me of my childhood neighbors one hot summer afternoon while we are napping at the porch. Perfect weather, summer breeze and smell of greenery. Brilliant! wow account for sale

  2. Man, I'm totally loving your work over the last week or so. You're really amazing with that palette knife! As soon as I feel more confident with just the brush and oils alone I'll have to get brave enough to try it.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful process & work!

  3. I find the edges , colors and depth of the doorway, simply lovely to look at, this is a winner.

  4. Fabulous! I love this painting for its color, texture and the immediacy of it. Your work is always a pleasure to view but this one really touches me . . . the ease of your strokes . . . just stunning.

  5. I'm liking your high key paintings very much. This one is especially nice. Ditto what Carol said.
