Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Fire Ball" --- Sold

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I didn't paint for several days. My wife Song has a chronicle back pain problem. It comes back about 3 days ago, and this time is very severe. She has been completely bed bound. Standing, walking, using bathroom, and everything we take for granted she is not able to do by herself. I have paused everything and been by her side full time. We visited a back doctor today, and an MRI has been scheduled this Friday. She feels slightly better this afternoon after high dosage of Hudrocodone. Now she is in sleep. So I got a chance and did this small painting. It is quite a challenge for me too. I am a lousy cook, and made several dishes by googling recipes online. She will get better soon, and our life will go back to normal. It is amazing that life can turn very suddenly. So please be careful and treasure every minute you have, because we never know what will happen next.


  1. Tell Song we are thinking of her and wishing her a fast recovery. What you said is so true.
    Such a beautiful painting. I love the colors.

  2. Back pain can be so frustrating, we do take our movements for granted very often. Hope she gets better soon. Good luck with the cooking!

  3. Huang thats hard, I suffered back problems too, it helped checking all furniture if I sit in something soft it returns,pillows are no good either, gotto have right angles of sitting and back support and distance to floor support - at the moment I sit and work in an old too soft sofa and use a rigid wooden piece of parallel grids with a foam piece over, really helps and I have no problems many years now

  4. Qiang so sorry for your wife. I've had that problem with a ruptured disc, then surgery. But what I found that helped with the pain most was ICE. Also there is a patch called Lidodern, you have to get the Dr. To write a prescription for them. They have steroids and some pain medication in them. You can wear up to 3 patches for 8 hours then off for 8 hours. I cut mine in half and put them in several places. Also they last longer if the pain area is small. I hope she gets better soon, don't forget the ice. It is the best! Also go to www.thepioneerwoman.com she has some easy recipes with pictures! Good luck

  5. So sorry about Song. I'll be praying for her. Seems I know so many people with terrible back problems. I try to be very careful with my own back.

    If I lived closer, I'd bring you food.

    Your painting is beautiful!

  6. Wishing your wife much healing...she could get well just staring at the energy in this painting..what a GEM.

  7. Thank you for telling us about your dear wife. I have asked God to heal her.

    Thank you as well for sharing your picture, "Fire Ball." The light you have captured in it is beautiful.

  8. beautiful painting! I hope your wife feels better soon!!!

  9. Beautiful painting Qiang, would love to be able to paint like you! Such lovely colors and so sensitive.
    Hope your wife is better soon.

  10. Qiang I hope your wife gets feeling better very, very soon. And your words about treasuring every minute is so, so true. My three year old son gets asthma attacks when he gets sick and it's amazing how quickly he can go from healthy, active toddler to barely being able to breathe.

    My thoughts will be with you. :)

    And the painting is SO beautiful. I love everything about it.

  11. Hoping your wife is better now! Love this painting, the edges are great!
