Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Roses in a Hot Place" --- Sold

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I am so amazed that even at this extremely hot place and hot time the roses in my yard are still blooming. Song cut some this morning and set up a still life for me. These are different roses from the ones I painted before. They are fresh but already full of scars. Their young life is just starting but winkles have crawled up their tender faces. I feel melancholy when I painted them. They don't know what will happen to them tomorrow. Well, in this chaotic world, we don't know either to us. I just keep painting.


  1. I wish Song would come by and set up a still life for me! Having you on the other end of the brush would also help! Love that you are able to paint daily now.

  2. This piece is exquisite!! The setup, the flowers...the LEAVES! Happy painting Qiang!

  3. Wow, Qiang your work ,in my opinion, your art has really progressed since your time with Schmid. How exciting! I am thrilled to be able to watch you grow as an artist. Thanks for sharing your art!

  4. This is beautiful, Qiang. The lighting sets off the colors of the rose petals wonderfully!

  5. Beautiful. Don't let these times get you down. Just keep painting, Just as you have said. That is what I am doing.
