Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Lime Water" --- Sold

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When I am asked what I like to drink in a restaurant, I usually say water with lemon or lime, and no ice. I heard a theory that drinking ice water makes people tend to eat more. So if you consider lose weight, maybe drink water without ice will help.

With my painting today, I was testing my grays again. I found recently I use less and less ultramarine blue. I used to use this color a lot. I found I have been using viridian more. I have learned it is hard to make a gray with ultramarine blue on my palette. But I like ultramarine blue. So I did a search today, I have found that "transparent brown oxide" (Winsor & Newton) and ultramarine blue makes a wonderful gray. I used this gray for the painting above.


  1. ultramarine with burnt sienna or raw sienna also makes beautiful silvery greys

  2. Curious whether you've tried ultramaring blue with burnt sienna. Also, Alizarin crimson and thalo green?

  3. Hi Qiang,

    Congratulations on becoming a full time artist! Your painting today is beautiful and I appreciate the information about your palette and mixing grays.

    Did you use Viridian to make the green in your lime slice?

    Thanks so much!

    Judy Joy

  4. Beautiful grays! I can't seem to get away from grays mixed with ultramarine blue. I'll be eager to try these new combinations. Thanks, Qiang and everybody!

  5. Gorgeous...Love the translucent lemon and the shadow of the glass..Breathtaking! Your paintings make me really happy :) Thank You !

  6. Yep, like David Cressman says... with Burnt Sienna makes nice greys... easy to make the grey very. I use this combination the most.

  7. Love those greens and grays. The muted grays with touches of bright colors are very dramatic.

  8. I have just recently discovered you Qiang and am completely bowled over by your story and your beautiful art. What an inspiration you are and I am now an ardent fan and follower. I hope you dont mind but I downloaded some of your pictures and converted them to grayscale, just to confirm what I already knew and that was how completely spot on you are with your values, really wonderful work and I wish you the utmost success now you are a full time artist. I work with in the electronics industry (I am totally non-techy myself) and I find it fascinating to come across someone that has such a high level of skills in both areas. There must be others but I havent come across any personally. I often have to defend the likes of Van Gogh's drawing skills and the like :).

  9. Those are some beautiful grays, Qiang!
    I also admire your ability to selectively make the high chroma colors pop.

  10. Love, love, love the lime. Look how it pops out electric against its grey background. Just lovely. :)
