Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Distorted Time" --- Sold

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We arrived home last Monday around 2:00 in the morning. After a short sleep, I arrived at the engineering company and started my one week of technical work. Nothing has changed since I was here three weeks ago. Time seemed stopped in this concrete building. I felt I was experiencing Albert Einstein's relativity when I transferred from art to engineering. Time has been distorted. I didn't accomplish much last week, but I didn't get chance to paint either.

I was so tired. I have cancelled several activities and slept almost whole day yesterday. Finally, I put myself together again and did this small painting this afternoon.

This one was very hard for me. I was studying many new things all together. I did this painting almost completely with a palette knife. I was so clumsy and really struggled. I had a back-lid illumination for the setup and worked on colors in shadow. I still was testing my high key scheme. Oh boy, I used almost twice the time I usually did. I think I have opened a can of worm for myself. There will be more fun time waiting for me. Folks, please wish me luck.


  1. Hi Qiang--I am so sorry that life can be so stressful sometimes, and not allow us the time to rest. That said, your painting is amazinginly expressionistic! It is lively and fun to try to "read." It is admirable that you are trying the pallette knife and are getting some very interesting movement, textures, and shapes. This is much more opaque in appearance than most of your work. The energy is great---you inspire me to try new things also! Thank you for posting despite being so tired and in trying something new. Wonderful!

  2. PS. the "flatness" of the background juxtaposed to the dimensionality of the foreground objects gives is a very contemporary feeling!

  3. I think this is exceptional work Qiang. I follow you blog regularly and always feel inspired with every new painting that you post here. Thanks for that.
    I have always wondered how you have set up your studio and how have you chosen the lighting arrangement. If you dont mind could you please elaborate a little bit on your studio in any of your future posts at your convenience? Thank you so much again.
    Best wishes,

  4. It is amazing how things going on around us shows up in our work sometimes. I like this painting. It shows alot of emotion! Hang in there! Life will quiet back down soon!

  5. Thank you for sharing your feelings and experiments with us. It is inspiring to watch you grow in your painting career. Beautiful painting with all the movement. Hope you are rested and find more new energy.

  6. You returned home at 2am! After working hard all weekend! Oh, that will definitely drain ones energy.

    I agree with the comments above, this painting is very expressionistic which of course is good for the soul!

  7. I think it is great you constantly try new things and brave of you to share them with us. Thank you

  8. This painting makes me want to cheer. Incredible minimal brushwork and with such great results. Your work is so good. I impressed by that.

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