Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Birdie's Home" --- Sold

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This one is still life/landscape, high key, back-lit, colors in shadow, and knife work. It is the first time I put a piece of rock in my setup, and the bird house is new to me as well. It is so exciting and challenging. I am out my comfort zone completely, and away from my typical style too.

Talking about styles, I think they come naturally. We can't force it. I remember a master artist wrote: "Styles are limitations of an artist". I don't know if you agree or not, but it is a good way to see it. I will keep my exploration going. I will travel happily in the art world, and my blog is my travel journal.


  1. i can appreciate your fearless journey.

  2. I really like this painting. When we get out of our comfort zone that is when we work our hardest. Glad you are having fun as well.

  3. Great way to bring plein-air inside!

    Like the way the knife work gives the bird house rough outdoorsy look!

  4. I admire artists that operate out of their comfort zone. I agree with you on "style". I don't think it is anything to worry about. I do think that there are some artists who emulate other artists and get stuck into styles other that their own. The are trying to wear another snake's skin. I think they may be seeling paintings, but cheating themselves from ther real spiritial path as a true individual artist.

  5. I love this painting, and it is so different from anything you've ever painted. I like the lightness and the softness.

  6. The most freeing thing I ever read was something to this effect: "Don't worry about trying to find your 'style.' You couldn't lose it if you tried 100 years." I think it was Robert Henri in his book 'The Art Spirit.'

    This is a lovely painting. It still has your 'style' throughout.

  7. Love the back lighting. "Style" embraces so many things, subject matter, technique and a host of more subtle nuances. Still trying to figure out mine! Love the Robert Henri quote and I hope it's true!!
