Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Cast Drawing"

I have just completed my week long engineering project and come back to art. Since I have no painting to share today, I would like to show you something else. This is a pencil drawing, not by me though. Can you tell who did this. Right, some of you can figure it out. It was done by my dear wife, Song. She took a drawing class at the local Gemini School of Visual Art. Her teacher was a wonderful artist and a very good friend of mine. His name is Denny Grant. She spent about 24 hours in 6 sessions on this drawing. I was amazed by her value control and subtle details she depicted. Danny's class follows the traditional academic approach. I highly recommend that all painters should do at least one of this kind of drawing. It helps tremendously on your sensitivity of shapes and value.


  1. Wow, wonderful drawing, Song! Such soft gradations and lovely shapes inside other shapes! Congratulations to your talented wife! Hope you find more time to paint next week--enjoy the weekend.

  2. A Charles Bargue study?
    Drawings can be just as beautiful as paintings, don't you agree?


  3. Congratulations, Song, on a beautiful drawing!

  4. Please give my congratulations to Song on such a wonderful drawing!
    And Qiang, I agree wholeheartedly with you about the valuable lessons painters can learn from this type of drawing. Yesterday I posted my third pencil drawing on my blog and you are right! It's all about shapes and values.
    But my problem now is that I'm enjoying pencil drawing so much that it's becoming difficult to find time to paint!
    But on the bright side, unlike paint brushes, at the end of the day I don't have to clean my pencils! :)

  5. Congratulations, Song on such a good drawing!
