Friday, June 3, 2011

“Rose Without Flower" --- Sold

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As what I said yesterday, I painted a different kind of leaf. I have quite a few rose bushes in the back yard. There are no flowers at this moment. I decided painting some rose leaves.

It wasn't smooth. I had a few issues with this painting. You can tell I am lack of anatomic understanding about rose leaves. If I don't tell you those are rose leaves, can you tell? My value range is too limited. My grays are not clean. There were quite a few surprises during the painting process. I was out of my comfort zone. But I am glad the problems has led me into a new territory. After I get those problems solved, my art will get to next level. So, please wish me luck.


  1. I enjoy your dialogue and humour! Thank you, I understand what you mean about the learning process...and yet you are so incredibly good at painting what you observe already. A MASTER!
    Please continue to your leaf studies...I am enjoying them immensly.jennie

  2. Being out of one's comfort zone leads to heightened creativity and increased knowledge......and yes, you can tell they are rose leaves. Very beautiful paintings.

  3. We cannot hope to improve by painting only that with which we are comfortable. Read what Jeffrey T. Larson has to say in American Art Collector, #68, page 118, last paragraph.

  4. It is only when we step out of our comfort zone that we learn. I appreciate your honesty and hard work. Keep on going. You have been an inspiration. Your words and paintings have helped me to work harder and to seek out others whose opinions I respect, our fellow artists.

  5. Lovely paintings. I'm interested in your pursuit of painting leaves. Can you share what color paints you usually use for making greens.
