Friday, June 17, 2011

Farewell, My Full Time Job

I have reached another important milestone for my short life in this small planet. Today is my last day as a full time engineer. I am so thrilled to start my full time artist career tomorrow. This photo is the first one you see me in a lab of a high tech company, and it maybe the last one.

As a matter of fact, we coming to this world is not for accomplishing anything, but rather to witness and experience what is happening around us. Thirteen years ago, I joined this startup company as the first employee, and worked here ever since. During these many years, I have experienced a lot. I have been excited, indulged, hallucinated, struggled, exhausted, achieved, confused, hoped, prayed, rewarded, stressed, and expected. I feel so grateful to this place. I love all the people here. They taught me so many things. The corporation is a grand stage. Performances have been going on and on. I have enjoyed so much colorful characters, dramatic scenes, dazzling costumes, symbolic makeups, and eloquent garboligocs (spelling?). I feel I am in a gigantic hologram. Every thing looks so real, but actually nothing has ever existed.

In this material oriented world, we chase wealth day and night. In business, we always say “Time is Money”. However soon or later, we all will realize in our bones that “Time is better than Money”. I will enjoy my time fully, and I hope you do too.


  1. I wish you every success. You're a great artist - go forth and conquer!

  2. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best on your new adventure.

  3. Congratulations! I know you will be happy, as well as successful!

  4. Wonderful!!! What an inspiring message for all of us! I wish you joyous painting!

  5. Congratulations!! I have enjoyed viewing your work for a few years now . . . thanks to Valerie Bassett. Best of luck to you Qiang-Huang!

  6. Congratulations! May you enjoy all your new found painting time.

  7. Congratulations! I'll bet it was not an easy decision to make, but I'm sure, with your talent, you will be a fabulous success!

  8. Very Cool, Congratulations on a great milestone. A very big accomplishment.
    I have created a painting blog too, which has been inspired by you.
    Please check it out and let me know what you think of my paintings.

  9. This is great news! I wish you and your family peace, tranquility, and joy!

  10. Congratulations Qiang! Indeed, a MAJOR milestone! I wish you all the best!!!!!

  11. Congratulations! I don't follow every single entry of yours, so maybe you've been indicating this change for a while and I missed it. So I am very, very surprised...and delighted for you! I have no doubt that you will achieve what you are seeking because your thoughts, ideals and understandings are all coming from the "right place" ... deep within you. I agree with all that you've said. I jumped off the fast track 15 years ago, and it was quite a shock. Mostly because I didn't fully comprehend why I needed to do what I did. You're further along than I was in your understandings as you commence this transition. It will be what it is...just what you need it to be. Blessings and warm wishes. Marie Martin

  12. Wow - congratulations!
    Best of luck and much happiness in your new adventure...I love your work and look forward to seeing more of it in the future ;-)

  13. So happy for you Qiang. You are am amazing artist and you should follow your passion. I hope you get everything you deserve.

  14. Congratulations, Qiang. I am very happy and excited for you, and I am sure you will have a very successful new career as a full time painter. Wishing you the best of luck as you pursue your goals and dreams.

  15. 你的這一步是遲早會踏上的,也是不會後悔的。恭喜你!祝你更上一層樓,蒙神更多的祝福!

  16. Can't wait to see what you accomplish as a full-time painter. Hope our paths cross some day :)

  17. That is wonderful!!! Best wishes for the most success as a full-time painter! I made the leap to full-time painter this year after years of working, hoping & praying that it would happen and I've never been happier! I hope you have the same joy!!!

  18. WOOT!!! Congratulations Qiang! I hope you find much joy in this new phase of your life. So happy for you. :)

  19. This is moving to me... congratulations and wish you the best.

  20. Congratulations. I love what you said about time being better than money. Can't wait to see what you do with all that time.

  21. Now THAT is brilliant news. I wish you every success, Qiang, which would be all you deserve. You are a fantastic artist.

  22. Everyone has said it all, so I will just wish you much joy in your painting.

  23. Congratulations! Back in January in the workshop you mentioned this thought but I did not expect it to come so fast... But I have no doubt you will enjoy the time fully concentrating on your art. I left my job in April this year to take formal trainings and paint full time this year, shortly after the workshop in Sacramento. I have thoroughly enjoyed the time drawing and painting! I'm looking forward to see more of your art in the coming days!

  24. You rock! Congratulations as you begin the rest of your life. I love what you said here -- we all need to remember these words.

  25. Congratulations and I am a true believer that you will soar and be beyond fine. I am sure a tough decision but you are on the way and this will help you in the long run be the incredible artist that you can be. Best of luck and good wishes.

  26. this is great news for you and for all of us who love your art

  27. Congratulations, Qiang, for continuing a wonderful journey upon this earth. It is always inspiring to read of your humility and gratitude regarding opportunities and people that you encounter along this life journey. Bridging the career worlds as you have no doubt adds very interesting metaphor to your lovely artwork. I am so happy to know you and to have participated in your workshop. I have no doubt you will continue to succeed in all endeavors. God speed, young man!

  28. Congratulations! All the best to you and your family. ENJOY! You've worked hard to achieve this goal.

  29. CONGRATULATIONS ! :) You have accomplished something big...I am very happy for you! I agree ' Time is much better than money '

  30. Congratulations!!!! Looking forward to seeing more and more of your beautiful art! You are a blessing!

  31. qiang...I was so happy to see you are able to make this big give me hope...Fran

  32. Congratulations on your big move. You inspire so much with your art and outlook. Good luck!

  33. It couldn't have been better said. I am thrilled for you, Qiang!

  34. Bravo, Qiang,

    Congratulations and welcome to the world of the full time artist! It will have its ups and downs. All life does. But the greatest ups are in doing that which you were put here to do.

    I've been following your work for some time now, and feel sure you will do very well in your new profession.

    If you're ever in Santa Fe, let's get together for a visit.


  35. For me, this may be the most inspiring and most beautiful post on a blog I have ever read. Though you have often commented that you struggle with the English language, in this post, you absolutely captured the beauty of the moment in your language. Congratulations on a wonderful new phase in your life. Anne Marie

  36. Congratulation on your retirement and much luck in your venture as a full time artist. I know you will be very successful.

  37. Congratulations as you take this giant praises to your family and close friends for the support they provide. thank you for always sharing more than your art: yourself!
    Can't wait to see you back in melbourne.
    Best wishes,
    Cindy and Bob Michaud

  38. Congratulations, a courageous move. Can hardly wait to see the results. I am certain you will go from strength to strength.

  39. So wonderful! Congratulations and best wishes for a future of happiness and painting.

  40. The world will be a BETTER place with your full time attention as an artist Qiang! Brilliant career move~

  41. Congratulations. I did the same a few years ago. Enjoy your art.

  42. Congratulations, God will walk with every step of the way. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I wish you the best. I'll be following your work as you move down this glorious path.

  43. Congratulations! You have been very inspiring. Am looking forward to your future work as a full-time artist.

  44. Congratulations on your new journey. I have absolutely no doubt that you will be very successful indeed.

    I had absolutely no idea that you are an engineer and always believed that you were a full-time artist/instructor.

    Your art is particularly beautiful and insightful but I think that your true talent (which sometimes goes unrewarded) is that you share your knowledge and love of art with others. Whether it be through class instruction or by blogging. I love reading your commentaries on your paintings and love to see your work. All the best.

  45. congratulations, qiang. i've met you only once, but wish you the best nonetheless.

  46. You've earned this, Qiang--so well deserved. Congratulations!

  47. You are an inspiration to us all! Your talent is extraordinary. Congrats for the courage to follow your heart!

  48. Congratulations and I couldn't agree with you more. I do hope; however, you continue to blog about your art experience as I love to visit each day and be inspired. (I'm starting my first oil painting class on Monday - yay!)

    All the best.

  49. Congratulations my friend. May the Force be with you.

  50. great way to go I wish you all the best ! :)

  51. I am so happy for you, your life is changing for the better. You have inspired so many people, thank you. Best wishes to you and your family. Keep the stories coming.

  52. I'm so excited for you Qiang. I'm happy for you. I know you've been contemplating this decision for a long time and I'm so inspired by all of what you do. I'm a big fan of yours and I wish you the best.


  53. Congratulation on living the dream! Must say, well deserved. Best of luck on your new adventure!

  54. I did exactly the same thing. It seems that you either have money OR time, but never both.

  55. If I could only read one blog, it would be yours.
    If I could only have one painting, it would be yours,
    But I read lots of blogs and I have lots of paintings, but not one is more touching or beautiful than yours. Good luck in your new career. I wish you the best.

  56. I've known for awhile that you had to make this decision. I could feel the dynamic pull between the two sides of your brain. I'm moved to hear that your creative brain has won the battle. You are setting the pace for so many of us who struggle. Hurray! Onward and Upward.

  57. So happy for you! I know you will go far!

  58. Congratulations and best wishes for every success! I enjoy every lovely painting you post.

  59. Well said and best wishes to you. It is the "Dash" between when we arrive in this world and when we leave,that tells the story of ones life.
    Brush well My friend.

  60. Qaing,I feel certain you won't regret your decision. You are so much better than you give yourself credit. Go getta em' and may God bless every brushstroke,He said: He would give u the desires of your heart if you would believe in Him." km

  61. Your art is amazing. Thanks for sharing. You have made the best decision. You will do very well indeed. Looking forward to taking a workshop from you soon.

  62. Congratulations all the way from India. I am regular follower of your blog, and an "IT worker" aspiring to be an artist. Very encouraging to see your leap. all the best.

  63. !!! Awesometastic!!! I'm so very happy for you and I wish the best for you always!! Your kindness and generosity in art and life will come back to you many times over, yaaaay!! Love to hear your good news.

  64. Time is better than money, you are so right. This is an exciting time, congratulations.

  65. congratulation...hope ..i will see more colorful,artistic and philosophical blog...:)

  66. Congratulations! I've done the start up life too but the carrot stayed a mirage and fizzled out! You're doing the right things best wishes for continued success!

    Erika Nelson

  67. Qiang, congratulations! I knew this day would come.
