Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I have not been posting anything on the blog for a long week. I have not put any paintings for sale on eBay for more than a month. Wow! what is going on? I even have zero activities in these two most fundamental fields of a daily painter. I have been painting less and less now. I must do many "more important" things. I hear the saying: when something goes up, it must come down. I hope it does not apply to my art. But I feel I am gradually losing the battle. Because I paint, so I have no time to paint. This is so ironic, but it is true. I think that is the teaching of Taoism: the value of non-action.

Well, let us forget about all of those philosophical junk, and come back to art. I did this portrait last night. It is kind of interesting.


  1. I've missed your paintings this week and have been thinking of you--hoping all is well with you and with your art. Don't despair. Perhaps this is a time of transition to new things in your art. May your art survive and thrive, and I hope you will be uplifted. I look forward to seeing many more posts and great success. I continue to appreciate your work. KPF

  2. Nice one, Qiang. Don't worry, we all need a little breather occasionally.

  3. "Anna" is beaautiful. Soft and detailed where needed and loose and colorful to give excitment.
    Best wishes for you!

  4. Qiang, It's comforting to know that even someone as successful as you can have struggles too. The "art muse" was not with me for about two weeks, but she has returned now and I feel I am back on track. Nice portrait! :)
    All the best,

  5. Thank you for sharing your frustration...you touched a sensitve nerve in all of us and it helps to be reminded that even those who seem to have it under control experience the lows that inevitably come. breathe....

  6. Your work is so beautiful. You're my inspiration. It's encouraging to learn that even accomplished painters like you may occasionally hit a dry period. Thanks for posting your paintings and your thoughts. I always look forward to both.

  7. Take heart. We all have periods where the "world gets in the way". I know your problem is not with your painting but with not having enough time to paing. It will come.

  8. Sorry, I meant enough time to PAINT!

  9. Beautiful! I am fascinated by your style! I love how you painted the hair!

  10. Wonderful portrait! The skin tones are so luminous and lush. I think you have a real sensitive touch in portraits.

    I have always been amazed that you are able to keep so many "plates spinning" at once: A real job, family, teaching workshops, taking workshops, painting, posting, and selling paintings......whew! An occasional break from painting is fine. It is only temporary.

  11. It is so hard to "do it all"! Your time to paint will ebb and flow - and your fans will always be here, excited by anything you produce!

  12. Anna is lovely. I love how you've made the hair one mass and highlighted areas to give the hair volume.

    I have been inspired by all that you do in art and its related activities. As an artist also, I've had the similar ebb and flow. During these times, I've sought quiet and aloneness. I sit before God and am quiet. He's given me peace and contentment for whatever condition I am in. It is then that I have my direction and joy back. I've always looked at these times as God wanting to get my attention.

    I hope this helps.

  13. Wow I love the loose brush marks and spontaneity of this work. The woman is ravishing!
