Friday, February 18, 2011

"Heating Up the Water" --- Sold

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This small painting was done at my country home. I didn't use artificial light at all. Both the setup and my canvas was under true north light illumination. I really enjoyed the subtle color changes on the kettle. After cutting down my engineering working hours, I can paint during the day sometimes. I am amazed what natural light can offer.

I talked my country home before. It is two acres in Texas Hill Country. There is a mobile home on it, not in good shape. I am off the grid. I made a solar panel that provides me lighting during the night. I have to haul water from the creek down in the valley. I can cook with a camping gas stove. Last night was my first night staying here. Everything is rather primitive, but I feel good because I am in control. Not like my city home, I feel I was controlled by the house. My country home is my experiment of real living. I am reading Henry David Thoreau, and my country home is my Walden.


  1. You'll love the home. We have a trailer in the mountains, gas heat and stove, kerosene lanterns for light. We haul in the water. The only hardship is going outside in the freezing cold to the john. Seems to be a great spot for your painting!

  2. your country home sounds marvelous. To have a safe haven is wonderful. I love the kettle..I am making myself a cup of tea now!

  3. I love the streak of blue! It makes me want to turn and look over my shoulder to see what's being reflected!

  4. You will be liberated - I feel it's one of the important necessities to remain 'unbothered' when painting. Love the use of north light. Enjoy your Walden!

  5. Your little painting get away, how nice. I also love that unexpected touch of blue. You have such a distinct style, I just love your work.

  6. Qiang, how great is that. You will enjoy the peacefulness. The painting is just lovely. I, too, like the blue.

  7. I love this one--that spot of blue on the kettle and the oranges--super!

  8. Qiang,
    Like Thoreau, you are sensitive, thoughtful and contemplative about your surroundings, and I'm certain the peaceful energy you feel in your country home will affect and inform your work in wonderful new ways.
    Happy painting, and as always, thanks for sharing your work and your thoughts,
    "As you simplify your life. the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude" H.D.Thoreau

  9. That's funny Qiang, because 13 years ago I sold all my belongings and my dog "Romeo" and I moved into a 20' travel trailer and hit the road, painting full time all over the Southwest. The first summer we were camped way up in the CO. mountains and I started reading Walden and it fit perfectly. In recent years I bought a little piece of land on a cliff north of Phoenix. It's peaceful and my new dogs and I hike everyday. I wish you peace and happiness in your life and painting.

  10. This is a very beautiful painting. I love all the warm colors with that one touch of blue- perfect.

  11. Walden is one of my favorite books! Enjoy your simple life in the country and continue to produce masterpieces like this! Absolutely lovely!
