Saturday, October 9, 2010

Posting from my iPad

I have just came back from Alabama last night. My computer has major hardware problems. I have spend almost whole day figuring out how to post without using a computer. iPad is my only tool right now. I have figured out how to import images from digital camera and edit them. I opened a Photobucket account to store images on line, and uploaded an image to my blog directly from Safary. But I could not post text somehow. Now I am trying this new app BlogPress. I think I have got most parts working now. Computers are powerful tools, but they are most unreliable tools. I refuse to be controlled by computers. So many things are in my way trying to stop me from painting. I do not give in.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I applaud your efforts to stay connected. Love your work. You'll be up and going soon.

  2. Courage et merci de résister... A bientôt, bises
