Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Demo at Jacksonville 3" --- Sold

I did three demos at this workshop and this was the last one. I was trying to show what I have learned from Richard Schmid. I left the background rather transparent and paid a lot of attention to the edges. I was rushed a little due to my time constrains. I think this one has a lot of potential.

I am back to Austin now, and had a gear shifting to my engineering work. I may not paint much for a while because I am behind in so many things. Unfortunately, painting will be the first to be sacrificed. My lack of skills of managing business is killing my art at this moment, but I will straighten up everything. My life is a little chaotic, but it will be back to normal soon.


  1. Wow, this painting is so expressive. It is powerful--great movement and bold, decisive strokes. It hasso much wonderful energy! I hope you will be sharing this method and philosophy when you return to Sacramento to teach the workshop in 2011!!!

  2. This painting is exquisite. I love the touch of red in the rose on the table.

  3. Beautifully done. I follow L.Ron Hubbard's model of efficiency to get things done. It basically says that when you pick up a dispatch, memo, etc. and read it you must follow up on it and do what it says then, do not put it down or in a pile to do later. Only doing each task as it appears do you perform efficiently and buy yourself loafing time (in our case painting time). Never do anything twice........... Wishing you a productive day with much loafing time.

  4. Beautiful painting Qiang! Good luck with all you endeavors. Hang in there!

  5. This a beautiful painting. Lively brushwork and great color in the white cloth. I hope you get painting time soon. I know when I have a long break I get very moody,
    not good.

  6. very cool

    all the best,

  7. Gorgeous! Love the looseness around the outside - makes your eye go to the beautifully painted focal point.

  8. You are a fine painter, daily or otherwise....
