Monday, August 23, 2010

"Waiting" --- Sold

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Every time when I take an out of town trip, I always end up quite a few days I can’t paint. My work piles up in my office and lab. I need to catch up to be in sync with what is going on in the company. I have to work more hours to balance out my off days for my trip. When I finally come back to my studio. My mind is in the stage of a complete blank. If there would be no commitment of daily painting, I would have quitted painting a long time ago. I have to force myself to pick up a brush. Just paint something as a warm-up. I always say that you must have an idea before you paint. Well, it is not always true. I am waiting for my art sense to kick in.


  1. Well, you are off to a nice start. This is charming and beautifully done. Welcome back.

  2. I really like this. It turned out great and I hope it pulled you back into your painting, at least as much as you have time right now...

  3. This is a lovely little piece and an interesting post. I find the same thing happens to me when I'm away and that for up to a week after returning I 'can't paint'. I try, but my natural ability takes a while to return. It's a relief to now other people experience the same things!

  4. The colors pop in this piece with the neutral background. I think it is great!
    Good luck getting back in the swing of things.

  5. I use my photography to fill in time when I can't be in the studio painting. It serves me well in supplying me with innumerable things to paint that are original.
    When I forget my camera and an interesting scene pops up I pull out the little sketch book I keep in my car. Maybe some of these ideas will help you move in the right direction. I'd love to have a big enough studio to be able to have one wall that I could paint and sketch on for inspiration.

  6. extremely charming and alive. very beautiful work!

  7. so cute!
    where do you find all these neat things to paint?

  8. well, while you were waiting for your 'art sense' a delightful painting popped out! simple composition, but really works... thank you!

    i feel that same blank mind when i've not been able to paint for a while - i find the painting challenges really helpful for giving me direction - and they're kinda like a mini art course, too!

  9. she is gorgeous! Love the cocktail umbrella :)
