Friday, August 6, 2010

"Injured Beauty" --- Sold

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I had a couple of sick days earlier this week. This painting was done at that time. I did not deliberately want to show my discomfort, but my painting was so honest showing my mood. I am all right now. Having enough sleep is the key. I didn’t paint for several days and slept a lot. So please take care yourself.


  1. Sorry to hear you were sick. Can't believe you managed a nice painting while so. Feel better soon!

  2. As always, thank you for your honesty in your blog, and in your work. It is a very poignant painting, and very well done. Thank you too for sharing yourself through teaching; we look so forward to your 2011 workshop in Sacramento--it will be my second time to study with you. Take good care of yourself.

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better.....:) Lovely rose!

  4. Be well soon. Beautiful as always.

  5. I always look forward to receiving your latest posts. Beautiful as always!

  6. Just beautiful. A very lonely piece to my viewing but I really liked it.

    Lazarus lupin
    art and review
