Sunday, July 4, 2010

"Sweet Touch" --- Sold

Click Here to Bid

Happy Fourth of July! We had several friends coming over in the afternoon. We made dumplings and then watched the firework together.

Talking about friends, I want to talk about “Facebook” a little. I got many emails requesting to be my friends. Here I want to share a story with you.

One day, when I was traveling in New England, I was in a hotel and wanted to check my Facebook. Somehow I could not get my laptop connected to the Internet, but my IPad was able to pickup the WiFi signal (I think Apple is doing much better than PC nowadays). I knew my ID and password of my Facebook account; however, it was my first time using my IPad to login. Facebook didn’t recognize my IPad and wanted me to answer 10 security questions. The questions were quite interesting. I was giving 10 pictures that my “Facebook friends” posted on my wall: birthday parties, family reunions, and other social gatherings. I was supposed to identify who they were in those pictures with multiple choices answers. I had to get 8 correct answers to get in. Facebook assumes I should recognize who they are because they are my “friends”. Well I couldn’t do it because I accepted quite a few people as my “friends” upon their requests. They want to see my paintings, but I don’t know them in person. I failed the security test miserably. I was locked out from my Facebook account even I knew the password.

I still don’t know “Facebook” enough to use it effectively. I think my blog is best way to watch my art. So please follow my blog or sign up my mailing list. I am always your friend no matter you are in my Facebook or not.


LindaHunt said...

Very pretty color in this little painting! Interesting about Facebook.

carol morgan carmichael said...

This is one gorgeous painting. I love the composition. The peach is so lovely but so are the leaves.
So nice! Happpy 5th!


I enjoyed your youtube video and love your work.

Anonymous said...


Jackie McIntyre said...

Very interesting comment about Facebook; I know I would much prefer viewing your work thru your Blog and Website. Lovely painting as always. I am always drawn to how you paint leaves.

Anonymous said...

The solitude of the work and many of your works is stunning.
Like a planet with its traveling companion and a passing comet. Very nice. John

Jo Castillo said...

Your work is so fabulous. I much prefer following your blog to facebook. facebook takes so much time and is so confusing. Thanks for keeping up your blog. :)

Johanna Spinks said...

I read your FB comments with interest too. FB seems more of a quick soundbite teaser compared to a blog where one writes and talks about one's art in depth. It certainly takes more time and is perhaps for some more meaningful because of that.