Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Moon with Clouds" --- Sold

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Continuing on with my leaf series, I found so many opportunities I haven’t taken before. I am going to explore them one by one to enrich my collection of various light effects showing on canvas. I really worked on edges on this one and used overlapping to create interesting shapes.
I will give a painting demo at the InSight Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX tomorrow starting at 6:00 PM. It is a free event. If you are in the area, you are more than welcome to stop by. I will share my painting approach with you.


  1. 黄先生, 您好。 我叫刘文君,是UT的学生。现在在学美术和石油工程。 我从Mrs.McElwaine那里听说了您。我非常喜欢您的画,希望能有机会和您交流一下,向您学习更多的美术知识。如果您想更深的了解我,请到 search for Wenjun Liu. 谢谢您。


  2. Another glowing painting, I love them! Awesome stuff. It's great to be giving demos, I hope you thoroughly enjoy it and that it goes well. I wish I could be there!
