Friday, July 30, 2010

"Brass Object" --- Sold

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Figurative is temptating, but I will save it for my future days. Now I am back to still life. I love shining stuff. High lights, reflections, and dramatic color changes make the specular objects so amazing to paint. I had this gismo for a long time. I got it from a thrift store. I have painted it a couple of times. But I don’t know what it is, and what it is for. Could someone tell me?


  1. You have a magic way of making paint come to life, and just glow.

  2. I think it's a coal scuttle....something once used to store coal by the stove or fireplace....or maybe to put the ashes in after the fire.

  3. Nice painting! Maybe it was used for pouring water to get washed ourselfes before running water was available in the house?

  4. Definightly a Coal Scuttle as the second commenter said. Nice painting. All the best.

  5. Very nice, Qiang! Although I thought you handled the figure very well indeed! Your drawing here is spot on and I love the red reflected in the brass. Of course, the bet part is the wonderful edge and brush work; here you are already a master.

  6. Another beautiful piece of magic with your brushwork. Coal scuttle for sure.

  7. It is a coal carrier for sure. Love your work. If you have a minute I would love for you to visit my blog and give a critique. I am also a big fan of Carol Marine. Find me at

  8. Yes,a coal scuttle, I have an old Victorian English copper one which I use in the winter, they are such a lovely shape and you have painted it so beautifully that it makes me want to paint mine. Thank you Qiang!

  9. Saw your name mentioned on another blog and thought I would drop by to see your work. Very intersting and impressive. Hope you stop by to see my blog when you have time. So nice to make your acquaintance.

  10. I think your paintings are awesome!
    Keep up the good work!
