Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"A New Drink" --- Sold

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With one tomato, three quarters of an orange, and a bottle of beer, can we make a good drink out of those? Maybe, maybe not. My life is kind of like this. I am doing several things, which are completely unrelated to each other. I draw myself pretty thin now. My eBay store is very empty; I am behind on gallery paintings. I am flying all over the places. Some time I woke up in the morning, and couldn’t figure out where I was. On our company meetings, I felt really odd that I still blurted out gobbledygook that sounded technical. Many people told me that I have a wonderful problem. Well it is a problem for sure. I am learning really hard to manage my life. At this moment, I am still a lousy manager. It might take me while to go through the learn curve. My art will definitely suffer during this period, but please hang in there with me. In my technical career, I have learned the hard way. I have understood now that I must be an entrepreneur to survive in this money driven culture. Being talented can be a curse if you are not careful.


  1. If being mixed up means you paint this beautifully..then I vote for being mixed up!

  2. Oh no! I think you can manage both sides of your brain with practice :) and look at your beautiful results!

  3. My sister-in-law has quoted to me, "To those much is given, much is expected." I want to slap her when she says that - but there is truth in it. Qiang, try to have compassion for yourself in this time of transition - travel and high speeds. You can't be perfect on all fronts. I predict you will do just fine on all fronts when your performance is assessed objectively, but try to manage the expectation of perfection.

  4. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are accomplishing so much and working full time. Wow. Your paintings are super and beautiful. We all want to be like you. :)

  5. Marvelous clair-obscure.
    You'll never cease to amaze me, Mr Qiang Huang.
    Thanks for that

  6. I went through what you are going through back in the nineties. I had an immensely successful business- a performing arts school, a ballet company and i was trying to raise three sons and do choreography, teach classes, manage a business, design scenery and costumes, etc. etc. etc. I would have dreams at night where I was driving my car and I would put my foot on the brake and instead of slowing down I would speed up and the car would go out of control. The dreams were terrifying as I knew I was killing myself in a lifestyle that gave me no room to relax or enjoy the things in life that meant the most to me. So I sold my business and sold my big, beautiful house and moved away to a little house in Florida and started painting. Now I can finally say I am at peace with my life. Money isn't everything- in fact- it's a serious problem. You are immensely talented and enjoy painting (it seems) much more than the scientific job. My advice is to follow your heart and not the money trail.

  7. Don't think those ingredients would taste that great together but they definitely work well together in this painting. Hang in there and keep on inspiring us!

  8. Your technique is superb. You've mastered impressionism with one stroke.

    I'll trade you one of my paperweight for one of your aromatic

  9. Qiang, you are so inspiring on so many levels. It's hard to be pulled in so many directions and hold on to that balance that we all want to achieve. Your paintings are beautiful and your spirit shows through your art. Eliminate those things that are not important to you now and concentrate on what is. It may take some time, but you will be the better for it.

  10. I'd agree with you if you don't have a nice day job and decent income, but it doesn't seem to be the case. What do you mean you "must be an entrepreneur to survive in this money driven culture"? Why do you need so much more money to survive?

  11. I have been following your blog for quite some time from Cape Town in South Africa.
    Your work and your comments are always a source of inspiration, and a pleasure to read and look at. Never, ever give up painting, just strive to find a balance in your life, and remember, "less is more" in all ways!!

  12. I want to add that my previous comment was not meant to be negative. In fact, I think you're doing great and you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself.
