Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Copper Cup and Oranges"

I spent all day yesterday and did this gallery painting. As matter of fact, I did this one on top of an old demo painting. I seldom work on my old paintings before because my mood has been changed from the early time. However, I think it is good exercise to paint the same painting twice. I can see what I did wrong earlier, and make the painting to the higher level.
Thanks to my Facebook friends for the happy birthday notes to me. At this very moment, Song and Jonathan are baking the birthday cake for me. Nowadays, Facebook became so popular. I have a Facebook account, but I am not active at all with it. I think my blog is adequate for me. However, I am really curious if I have missed something important if I do not facebook. If you really Facebook savvy and benefit a lot from it, I would appreciate greatly if you can share with me, and show me some tips. Thanks.


  1. Hi Qiang!! Happy Birthday!! I think facebook is a good networking tool. I got away from my blog for a bit and started facebooking, but wound up missing my blog, so I do both. Facebook is great for sharing links, and things like ebay stores. You can also find new friends with similar iterests that you may not find with blogging. You can also post your daily blogging on your facebook profile to reach a greater audience. I learned how to do it kind of by trial and error. Let me know if I can help. Lovely painting!!

  2. Beautiful work!
    I'm not very active on Facebook either, but I do post a link on Facebook whenever I make a new post to my blog-- very quick & easy to do. I also prefer a blog to Facebook.

  3. Hi Qiang,
    Happy Birthday to you! Hope you enjoy
    your cake....

    I love your latest painting Copper and Oranges.

    I also loved your painting at the opening at Legacy Gallery in Scottsdale a week or three ago. I was sorry to have missed the evening.

    Keep up the good work.

    Beth Page

  4. I find Facebook somewhat annoying. It is fun to keep up with friends but I really don't want their status updates on farmville and bedazzled..whatever those I developed a fan page for my art and I use it to post my work and links to my website, and updates on things about my art. Still I feel like I am behind own sons are opting out of facebook because it has become so annoying!I feel the blog is more intimate.

  5. Happy Birthday!
    The colors here are amazing! The pinks of the copper cup with the reflected orange is very educative of how refelected light and reflections work. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Really nice work! Happy Birthday; and, don't waste too much time on facebook etc; it's better to keep painting on I think...

  7. Excellent work, a great painter.

  8. Beautiful painting Qiang, I love this lilac cloth! the colours in this painting are really lovely. Happy Birthday! I prefer my blog to facebook, but I do also post my paintings on facebook too when I get the chance.

  9. I love this painting. I have been on facebook, not as active as some. I've heard of some paintings selling, but not a lot for me. But I have met some wonderful people and have met people that I have gone plein air painting with here in Phoenix and elsewhere when I have visited other places. I also met several people that I hooked up with during the OPA show.

  10. You do such beautiful work. I have my blog posted automatically to my FB page . I find it annoying as I loose control, but maybe many more non artists see my work. Hopefully anyway as friends of friends look.
