Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Red and Black"

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I really can’t believe it. I did this painting on a Tuesday morning - a regular working weekday. About a month ago, I negotiated with my boss that I want to reduce my pay and free some time for my art. To most of engineers, it is rather bizarre to propose something like that. After several push-pulls, I got what I want. Now I am allowed to work 30 hours per week. I am still considered full-time engineer so I can keep my benefit. I am so grateful to the company’s decision. You know I call myself a DAILY painter, but in reality I have been painting NIGHTLY all the time. Man, it surely feels so goooooood painting under day light. Now, I am able to FEEL the spring coming to Texas. I am so happy that life can be this good. I pinch myself to verify that I am not in my dream.


  1. Qiang--this is wonderful news! I am so happy for you that your company was flexible with your schedule and that you will still have health benefits. Enjoy your new time schedule! Your painting is gorgeous--the apple is exploding with beauty and joy! And thank you again for sharing your work with your fans and friends.

  2. I so enjoy your dialogs and got such a chuckle when I read about you being a nightly painter. It is wonderful that you can now organize your life better, enjoy the sunshine, and have some peace of mind. Knowing you (through reading your blog) you'll probably get involved with even more work.

  3. Congratulations Quiang! What wonderful news. Your name is posted in my studio now and I plan to put it up in a couple of other places too. It is there as a reminder to me that there are people that are dying to have more time to paint and as a reminder to me not to waste the time that I do have. Good luck to you as you use your new windfall of hours and minutes.

  4. This is exquisite. You have painted the reflections in the copper cup so beautifully. I am so happy about your work situation - you are extremely talented, and it is wonderful that you took the intitiative and got what you needed to have more opportunity to paint!

  5. Congrats! Actually I was quite surprised to see you as an engineer...not that engineers can't paint ( I myself am one)...
    This painting also shows how much color could be there in black! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Congratulations on more painting time Quiang. As another artist, I truly know how difficult it is to divide one's time.
    I love your style.

  7. Lucky Man indeed!! Nice painting too...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I really admire that you are willing to take a pay cut so to paint more. It shows how passionate you are about your work.

  10. wowie - great news about the job! you must have such a feeling of freedom! congratulations!

    oh yes - lovely painting, too!

  11. That's great news for you!!! I know this will open many new doors and opportunities for you.
    I absolutely love your paintings but also visit you blog to read your humble and honorable view of life. Bless you!
