Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Demo at Dallas 1" --- Sold

This is my first demo at my workshop at Dallas. I want to thank Mrs. La Rue Hunter and ACA for putting this workshop together. I really enjoyed meeting so many wonderful artists. We had great time in those three days.

Once a workshop is over, I usually have a couple of days I can relax my mind (I am always busy physically). However this time, I have no chance. On Wednesday morning, I just checked out from my hotel and on my way out, my wife, Song, called me in the mood of panic. She told me that her email got hijacked. The bad guys sent emails to all the people on her contact list and said that she was in UK and got robbed, she really needed cash, and asked people to send money to an address in UK. Song couldn't login her email account any more. She got a lot of phone calls asking her if this was true. I drove back to the hotel and send a warning message to all my subscribers right away. After I rush back to Austin, we called yahoo to report that Song's email got stolen. You know what, Yahoo did not consider Song was the real owner of her email address, because she couldn't remember the correct answer of one of the security questions. So Yahoo won't help us to reset Song's password, and the bad guys are keeping sending harmful messages to innocent people. I really cross my finger and hope that nobody is losing money because this. Yahoo service people even hung up phone on us. We really don't know what else we can do. In any event, if you happen to be on Song's mailing list and receive email from:, PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY. If you are registered student of Calvin Liang's workshops, you can contact me to ask questions and we will send you new contact methods. If you have experiences dealing with email problems, please help us. We appreciate it very much.


  1. I can see another wonderful painting, but I'm concerned about your problem with email. In Spain the police has arrested to three persons for stealing millions of email adress, they had under control millions, I repeat millions of computers and then they sold to other people so I hope you can resolve it quickly.

  2. You nailed the painting with very few strokes, I like it!

    Concerning your email troubles, a few general pointers: Use strong alphanumerical passwords (like ds32emd*sak3#534msad) for your email. If you're on Windows be sure to always install the latest updates - you can set this up to be done automatically and have a virus scanner running. Do not deactivate the windows firewall and use a router for internet access. Also do not open any unknown email attachments or download anything from an untrustworthy source.

    Following these directions does NOT make your system unreachable for people who know what they're doing - but in 99,99% of the cases they go for computers with the simple security leaks. The more difficult it is to get into your system, the less likely you are to be chosen as a victim.

    Any more questions? Just drop me a mail, will be happy to help.

  3. Beautiful painting!
    I am sorry for your email troubles-the "security" questions are too broad for people to remember them.

  4. first the painting - i really like how you subtly lead the eye to the yellow main feature . . . lovely use of color & light . . .

    re the email - i don't know how to help the present situation, but did a little research. one thing i found is - it seems it may be possible for spammers to install their malware if you visit an infected site while you are logged in to your email. so it would be best, it seems, to log out of anything you have to log into before going to any other webpages, and to remain logged in to email & other sites (like blogger, i guess?) only while you are using them.

    me, i'm gonna dash off & change all my passwords & note down the security question answers!

    hope it all gets straightened out . . .

  5. I am so sorry about your troubles with identity theft. It has happened to me before and it is no fun at all.

    I am so sorry to hear about your troubles with identity theft.
    Please try contacting yahoo again. Just because the first person you talked to was an idiot doesn't mean that all of their employees are. Be sure to tell them that the last rep hung up on you. If they aren't helpful, ask them to escalate the case to a manager. The key is to be very calm and more persistent than they are. It also helps if you always request their name or ID number and request a name the mailing address for customer complaints. Then follow up with a certified letter. A lot of work, I know.You also can call the local police and ask them how to proceed with reporting this fraud. I am sure it is a federal offense, but they can steer you in the right direction.
    With regard to your beautiful painting, I am curious what size it is. It has the feel of a larger painting. The warm color harmony is most appealing. What I like most about it is the variety in the thickness of the paint. That impasto in the light is really exciting.

  6. Love the paintings, for sure. I did receive the email from London asking for money and knew immediately that it was phony. I was one of the participants of your workshop in Sacramento and loved it. I highly recommend your workshops to anyone interested in art and the business part of art. I have since the workshop and your wonderful information generated my own blog on google. So, thank you for sharing all this with your students.

  7. Hello Qiiang-hang. I love your work - what are you painting on ? Masonite? Canvas ? Is it all alla prima you do ? What thinner or medium do you use ? Any more demonstrations coming up? Great work - really brlliant. I am a PE teacher form Scotland and I would love to go int art more. I will keep in touch.


  8. I received the email Song is talking about. I thought it was a hoax the minute I read it and didn't respond to it. I just hoped I wasn't leaving Song stranded in the UK.
