Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Solid Imagination 2" --- Sold

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Yes. It is the same white cup. As many of you following my blog, I consider myself a beginner painter. I need to learn a lot to improve my art. I don't meant to bore you, but I really need to study my colors on white objects. It shouldn't be very hard, but I am not there yet. I will work and work until that "Aha" effect clicks.

Across both fields of art and science. I sensed the major difference on the way people communicate. Scientists are very sensitive on words. They define their vocabularies precisely. The invented mathematics to extend their logic and make sure their statements are quantitatively measurable. They set up conventions to make sure their discussion on the common bases. They exchange ideas in massive amount of conferences and symposiums. They try to avoid "reinvent the wheel". However, in art, at least from my limited observation, the communication is rather nebulous. Many masters claimed that art can not be talked about and can not be analyzed. We are pretty much on our own. We have to "invent our own wheels" on the individual bases. Our rules are made to be broken. I heard cases that some art teachers bring students to the paint-out spot and disappeared. Some art school teachers hide themselves from their students. Maybe I am naive, but I still think art can be taught and learned.


  1. We as your students are fortunate that you do not "hide" during your workshops, and are ever present and using an analytical approach to teaching. I too believe that these concepts can be analyzed and conveyed with words and am VERY fortunate to have participated in your Sacramento Workshop. If anyone is reading this and is thinking about signing up for one of Qiang's workshops, please check out my comments posted right after the class (posted as a comment to his Feb 28 blog below). It was a fantastic experience and Qiang is a very organized, strategic, (yet kind) instructor. We all left feeling we had learned a lot in a short time, with much practice ahead of us.

  2. This is beautiful. I am privileged to follow along on your learning journey and learn with/from you. :)

  3. hi quiang , I prefere that cup to the next ,I feel the warm light on the right edge but if I may , I would have increase the light in the bottom of the cup by pure hight light. that one is realy good !
    I agree with you when you say that art can be thaught , but you need to practice if you want to arrived. i learned art and practiced painting ' hours by day beside my work day and know i can paint and sell in galeries my work , but I'm not completly satisfy in my art and know that I have still lot of things to learn. to resumed as we say in french "le chemin de la connaissance et long seul le travail t'y amènera !" in english the knowlege path is long only work could lead you "

  4. hello,
    By surfing the Web, I discovered your site and I appreciated your paintings very much.
    I am a French artist painter and I would have wished to have a link exchange with your site.

    If you agree, I propose to you to tell it to me and put a link for on your site.

    I you address my cordial greetings


  5. hmmm . . . the colors of this cup are more subtle, more expressive of the cup-ness of it than your original try . . . cool!

    i agree art can be taught - i'm an example! i'm teaching myself to paint thru both reading & studying others' paintings . . . what fascinates me is the range of what teachers cover - from speaking completely abstractly of the spirit of painting (like robert henri) all the way to providing line drawings to trace & premixed color samples in an almost paint-by-number approach to teaching! i think one needs to be exposed to all approaches as one learns . . .

  6. yes it is true....your thoughts are i know if artist is fully satisfied with his works than he is finished.

  7. Qiang,

    Forget what other teachers do; obviously, you are doing the right thing. I am a firm believer that "art can be learned and taught."
    I commend you for your integrity.

    Brenda Semanick

  8. Qiang, I've named you on my blog for the "Sunshine Award" for creativity and positivity in blogging. Your posts are an inspiration. If you have time, check it out.

  9. My good friend Fred Alldredge took your workshop a few weeks ago and had nothing but positive comments about your generous nature, remarkable acumen and talent!
    All the best!
    Love your work :)

  10. Yes, art can and should be taught, practiced, learned, and then the artist can perhaps try to build upon the knowledge. Your blog and your art and your teaching are wonderful inspirations. Thank you!

  11. I love the way you do the brush strokes. I'm a plastic artist also, but I paint because I love art, I had no chance to go to art school. God bless you!
