Friday, October 2, 2009

"Warm Up" --- Sold

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I received many positive comments on my color study. They make me more confidence that I am not "going to far". My today's painting is another example. This time I paid more attention in the casting shadows. Instead of making them very dark, I really examined the colors. I think life is the same way. In some part of our life, we are in darkness. We are long for light, but not always can get it. Why don't we examine more the shadows we are in. It gives us the richest experiences, and we become more mature.


  1. That's fantastic. A masters touch!

  2. A very good suggestion. And a lively painting.

  3. Wonderful bit of red in the one shadow. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us.

  4. I really enjoy your journey into the shadow side of things! The back-lighting on this one is great! One way I found to make the shadow colors more pronounced is to mute and dull down the light-sided colors a little. I truly enjoy the direction you are going!!

  5. Hi
    Thanks a lot for sharing your exploration with the shadows and the colors in there. Its a great education for me.

  6. A beautiful study in reflected colors as well.

    As to your previous request for help co-ordinating Facebook, Twitter with your Blog, I think that you cannot co-ordinate them, as they are owned by different organizations. Twitter has its own place for pictures, called Twitpic. Facebook has photo albums that only other Facebook members can see, and blogspot has a thing called Picassa Web Albums.

    But there is a way to manage the three: You can type your "blog" message once, in a word-processing program (or an email), then select it, copy it and paste it into each of the three: Twitter, Facebook, and Blog. (Twitter only allows a sentence.)

    You then have to upload the photo/s separately into each of the three.

    Hope this makes sense, and I'm happy to be proved wrong if there is a connection, as it takes me too much time to look after all three.

  7. Lovely color and sensitive study. Beautiful thoughts which speak of truth.

  8. this is a truly beautiful study of color in shadow & reflected color!!! They have such volume, I want to reach into my computer screen to take one out to eat! :-)

  9. The reflections really make this painting, Beautiful colors.
