Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Full of Emptiness" --- Sold

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I am back to still life painting again, and continuing my study on colors. With this simple white bowl on a piece of white clothe, I tried hard to find opportunities to use as much colors as possible. Man! It was hard. I was wondering if I really see colors or just hallucinating.
After I posted my turp container question. I got so many answers. I really appreciate all of you willing to help me. Now I want to feed back you the best answer I think. I created a new page in my website called "practical tips". Please check: If you have the similar problem, may this tip helps you as well. I will put more tips on this page in the future. I got it from you, so I would like to give it back to you.


  1. Wow - love this!

    I absolutely adore people finding colour in what looks at first to be neutral. It's something about the quality of the subtlety I think and the challenge for the eye - are we seeing what we think we see.

  2. You know that one has painted it right when nothing stands out as wrong! You must have painted exactly what you saw! The bowl is very convincing in it's simplicity - great form through all those changes in warm and cool colors.

  3. Looking at the painting, it does not matter...the colors are amazingly real life! Now that you mention it, one realizes what colors can be seen in the simple white!

  4. Hi, first time at your blog but now I'm followin it. Wonderful play of light in this painting
