Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Demo at Austin 4" --- Sold

My today's post is the second demo I did at the Austin workshop. I have not painted many white roses. So it was a challenge of painting it in front of public. But it turned out all right.
Another topic
Recently, I have noticed someone sending spam as comments to my blog. I want to stop these guys of doing it, but I don't know how to ban the inappropriate comments on the blog. If you know how to do it, I appreciate greatly if you can show me how. Thanks.


  1. Hi,
    I found your blog through Julie Davis' blog and I have really enjoyed looking at your art. Sorry to hear that the annoying spammers have found you. I think what you need to do is add the distorted word feature so that anyone that wants to comment has to type the letters in. People can read these distorted words, but roving computers (spam)can't.
    Go to your blogger dashboard and select "Settings", then select the subheading "Comments". It is here that you determine the various features of how you want people to leave messages. Scroll down about 10 categories and you will see one that says "Show word verification for comments". Choose "yes" and then go down and save your settings. From then on your readers will have to type in the squiggly word before their comment can be posted, which is an extra step for them, but should hopefully get rid of the spam problem. Hope this works.
    Kind regards,

  2. If that doesn't work, turn "comment moderation" to "always". You will have to approve every comment before it appears on your post, but it will allow you to block stuff like that.

  3. Thank you, Nicke and Jeremy. I will try your tips, and see how it goes. Qiang

  4. You depicted this white rose beautifully. Excellent job - on a very challenging subject! I love it....

  5. This one is so beautiful, Qiang! I love it.
