Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Come and Join" --- Sold

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On most Sunday mornings, I teach drawing to a small group at my house. They are absolute beginners, but they have made tremendous progress. Now some members of this group will take my painting workshop at Austin this coming Weekend. Since they never painted before, they requested me to give a pre-workshop class. The paintings of this and the previous post are my demos to them. From my experience of teaching this group, I want encourage those who want to do art but consider themselves having no talent. Art can be learned. You can produce wonderful work if you are on the right track.


  1. Your class sounds very interesting. That would be a class I would have to take because even though I can draw (and have been doing it for years) I never exelled in painting and find that it is a different ball game altogether.

  2. Have just read your last few posts about the colours in shadows and so on - very interesting! Thanks for that food for thought!
    Love your paintings!!

  3. good morning, I love seeing how warm,relative to the piece, you push your shadows - amazing.
    Sounds like you're an excellent and encouraging teacher.
    Also love your titles. They show your wit
