Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shanghai Cheng Huang Miao

Shanghai was the last stop of my China trip. Time goes fast and now it is time to say “Zai-Jian” (goodbye). It is difficult to summarize my impression about China in a few words, but I should say sharp contrast is my general feeling. On one side, Life is not conditioned well and you find many inconvenience. For instance, there are hardly any bathrooms have toilets and toilet paper. On the other hand, there are astonishingly beautiful places, incredibly delicious food, wonderful history and culture, and great potential and dynamics. Maybe covered with dust however, you will find dazzling treasure underneath. Guaranteed.

I am back to Austin now. New challenges and opportunities are in front of me. I need to take care some logistic issues and put my life under control. I hope I will go back to painting soon.


  1. I absolutely loved the pictorial tour you've given of your trip to China. Heaven's Gate looked amazing. I am fascinated by China and would love to visit one day - but go beyond the traditional tourist traps and see the "old" China. Thank you for the tour and all of your photographs. One of my studio partners, Sharon Hodges, took one of your classes and I really admire her work and the influence you've had on her work. I admire your work also and am saving money to be able to sign up for a class.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I went to China about 6 years ago and was fascinated by it! The contrast in new versus old not only in building but in the people themselves. They were very friendly and I marveled at how they are struggling to enter a new world culture. Everyone had cell phones, walking, biking, carts, scooters all over, the shear volume of people was an eye opener. I remember standing on the Great Wall and being overwhelmed by the moment. I was standing on the Great Wall half way around the world. What a wonderful world we live in to be able to visit other cultures.

  3. Thank you so much for these beautiful pictures from your homeland and also for the interesting descriptions of the places and of your feelings as you made your way through these awesome places.
    Your pictures and words confirm what an incredible gift we have in the beauty of our earth's cultures and landscapes. Makes my heart sing!

  4. Welcome back I missed your art! Enjoyed seeing the updates from your time in China!

  5. Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures of your homeland. I would love to visit there someday to paint and experience the dramatic beauty that is so evident in your photos. You make some interesting points about the lack of conveniences that we so take for granted sometimes.
