Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Yesterday's Glory"

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After having a delicious Chinese meal, I cracked open my fortune cookie. It said: “being famous just likes a pig being big”. Wow! What a deep wisdom it is…. Well, I made this story up. However, the saying is rather well known. We all want to be successful, and work hard toward our goals. However, not everybody is aware that there will more work to do when we get there. It will be more difficult to keep in control. Michael Jackson died at ago 50. I felt very sad. He was very successful, but he lived a pretty miserable life for the last decade. I don’t consider myself successful yet, but I am on my way. Recently I have felt my life has changed quite a bit. I have spent more and more time on business, but not on art. I paint less and less. I feel I could do better, but there is no time and energy. Having a balanced life is hard to come by. Tomorrow, I am leaving USA for a month long vacation in China. I don’t know what I am expecting, but I will paint and keep you posted as much as possible. So long.


  1. We wish you bon voyage, Qiang! You are very fortunate to have so many things competing for your valuable time; you are gifted and generous. You are also wise, so you will know what to do. Have fun in China but come home soon!

  2. I hope you have a safe and happy trip to China! Your works and talents are admired by so many, including myself!

  3. Nice painting. Hope it's cooler back home than here.

  4. To thine own self be true--that's all you need. Have a wonderful time in your homeland.

  5. Hi Qiang, greetings from the land down under - Australia.
    I have come to your blog via the daily painters and was attracted by your economy of brushstrokes.
    The apparent ease with which your paintings appear to be produced is deceptive - I know because I've tried to do the same at times.
    I'd like to link to your blog from mine at
    if you don't mind.

  6. luscious warm, inviting color, deceptively neutral! Thank you!

  7. Hi Qiang,

    I am so happy you made it safely to China, enjoy your parents and paint lots of beautiful scenes. I
    was in China in - when I type that out it looks like a million years ago. I loved China.



  8. wise words. Have a wonderful trip and don't worry.

  9. Hi Qiang you don't know me but I was touched by your blog post. I feel too busy myself although not so famous. So I am planning to put my art first and just paint because it's my passion instead of chasing the $$. Happy trip to China and safe travels home. God Bless.

  10. I am enjoying the photos you are posting. Looking forward to hearing about the 29 hour train ride. Must be a sleeper?

  11. Safe journey, and best wishes for artistic inspiration in China!

  12. Have a marvelous trip, Qiang. I hope you can find more time to paint...
    I love the subtlety of the colors here.

  13. Qiang, Happy Travels in China. I am new to blogging, but you taught me about this during a workshop in Austin earlier this year. I am thankful for your very well organized presentations at the workshop, I refer to my notes frequently. I empathize with your comments about the increasing demands on your time...we discussed this some at the workshop. It is entirely difficult to reach balance in life, particularly w/ the demanding job you have, and your family, and increasing success with your art. You are walking a tight rope, but you are a kind, thoughtful person, and you will make the right decisions for your life. You have significantly influenced my art. Thank you for teaching me. Kind regards.

  14. I hope you have a great trip! Can't wait to see what art your trip generates.

  15. your china pictures are wonderful.i got a glimse of china through your photos.thanks

  16. Hi Qiang:
    Fantastic reporting of your trip,with the description and photos.
    "One Happy moment in the past will produce many hours of enjoyment in the future".
    Hope to see China with the flow of your Brush to the canvas.
    May you and family have a safe trip Home.
