Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Cast Drawing"

I have something different for you today. I spent two days about 8 hours doing this pencil drawing. This kind of exercise is the most fundamental study for any type of representational art. In serious academic art schools, students do drawing for two years before they start painting. I wish I had been trained that way. Now and then, I often feel that the foundation of my art is not solid enough. I dream some day, I can devote 40 hours or more to do one drawing under the guidance of art master. This drawing is a long way from the quality I want, but I want share it with you and document what I am doing at this time. If you are new in painting, I highly recommend you doing many of this kind of drawings. It will help you big time.


  1. Estoy de acuerdo pero es más divertido los colores. I agree with you, but it´s a little boring to spend so much time drawing. It is more funny to use colors

  2. Yes. The drawings give you patience and discipline.

  3. Very nice! Your values are very clear and forms reading very well. Was the from a photo or a cast?

  4. So true about drawing. You've reminded me to get my charcoals out again, and i really need to! I love this drawing, it captures such a wonderful expression r.

  5. As you know, that's how I spent most of my first year of art school. But I was SOOOO dying to use color....

  6. very nicely done. Your drawing style is like your paint marks with a more chiseled look.

  7. Hi
    Like the way you have done this piece. Also like the way you handle the bold strokes in your paintings.
