Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Tulips" --- Sold

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I have tried something new last night. This is my first tulip painting. They are relatively easier to paint than other flowers I did, but I had some hard time to get a composition I like. I haven't figured out the way I feel really excited to paint tulips yet, since I don't know the flower well enough. If you know somebody painted great tulips, would you tell me?


  1. Qiang, you are such a lovely man.
    I love reading your blog. I'm sure your tulips will soon be the best but didn't Carol Marine do some wonderful tulips some time ago?
    Oh, and Faye Christian Phillips did some too.

  2. I think they're lovely. Tulips are one of my favorites! I love forward to reading your blog, it's really wonderful!

  3. I just enjoyed a week or two painting tulips! Please have a look! If my tulips offered even a little bit of inspiration to you, I would be deeply honored. Can't WAIT to see more, Qiang, you are awesome!!

  4. Jeremy Lipking has painted some absolutely fantastic still lifes of tulips, but I can't find the images online at this time.

  5. I also enjoy reading your blog and viewing your work--lovely, indeed. You may find the work of Helen Van Wyk inspirational. She was the consumate art teacher! She loved painting flowers.
