Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Morning Cedars" --- Sold

Click Here to Bid

This is my second plein air of the year. Compared with my previous one, this time was much better. It was a sunny day and I painted with a group of Plein Air Austin painters. I was still working on trees.


  1. Chong,
    I really like your landscape. I like that your background and distant trees are soft and that makes the near trees a strong focus. I continue to remember the great time we had in Rolling Fork.
    Could you remind me of the brand of camera that you use? Thanks. Judy Nocifora

  2. its a lovely painting.The white patches suggesting sun looks great.I paint lot of trees in watercolour.can see my blog

  3. I like it very much. The colors are beautiful and the quality of softness it has is very evocative.
    What is it that you do not care for?
    Thank you

  4. Another beautiful painting. You capture the mood, the cold and the glimpses of sunlight really well.

  5. I am not surprised that you have found there is a market for these. I think they are truly lovely. Your strong spontaneous style creates wonderful atmospheric landscapes!
