Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Morning Calm" --- Sold

2008 has been a remarkable year, for the two countries I call home, I shed tears for the victims of the devastating earthquake, I cheered the spectacular Olympics, I was excited to see the historical election, and I shared the pain of the collapsed economics. The world is like a Jackson Pollock’s painting. I feel myself like a small insect holding on a piece of leaf floating on a vast sea full of excitements and turmoil.

It has been a good year for me as an artist. Without much of the professional training, I have jumped into the art world. Far from maturity, but I had made some progress. With the great Internet, I shared my joy and frustration with you. With your uninterrupted support, I have been inspired and encouraged to surf the art waves.

At this New Year’s Eve, my small boat is docked. The water is calm; the air is misty. I am having a sweet dream….. without aware of that 2009 is just around the corner and the new challenges are approaching.
Thank You and Happy New Year !!!


  1. Nice work, Qiang! It really has been a very full year...

  2. What a beautifully poetic post! All of your posts are as pleasant to read as your art is view. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Happy New Year and Continued Success!

  3. I have really enjoyed your art this year and look forward to 2009!
    Happy New Year

  4. Your comments and your art bring much pleasure to a great number of people.

    Thank you for all that you do.

    Happy New Year to you!!


  5. Watching your progress is such a delight throughout the year, Qiang! I look forward to seeing all you do in 2009. Keep up the beautiful work. Happy New Year.

  6. Simply put, you are gifted. Truly.

  7. What a beautiful post - I echo Gay Sekula's words.

  8. Beautiful, Qiang. Happy new year! Hi to Song.

  9. Excellent job Chong Wong!
    Its good news for the peoples especially workshop 2010, 2011. kindly guide here how can peoples join?

    Plastic Card.
