Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Natural Dryer" --- Sold

Two days ago, our washing machine quitted. I tried to fix it, but it was much harder than I thought. We have to buy a new one I am afraid. What a shame it was. It still look new to me and most parts still working. This reminds me the old days. We hung cloths and sheets under in the open air to dry. I still remember the smell of the Sun.
I did this painting from a photo I took in Mexico. I started (again) painting landscape now. It is more difficult to me since I have not done it enough. We will see. Maybe I would like it.


  1. Love the red piece, the movement and the crispness of the fabric. Better to hang cloth outside during the fall than during the summer.

  2. That's a nice painting, good focus. About the dryer, now you have extra parts to make new projects with.

  3. Believe it or not, some still hang their washing outdoors! My sister does! It smells so fresh and good...I love your painting.

  4. Nice painting, love the composition. I used to hang my clothes out all the time and I loved the fresh smell.

  5. This is so rich with brushwork. Gorgeous atmosphere of buildings in the background, with so little detail, providing a great focus for the clothes. I love it!

  6. This is my favorite thing you have done thus far! I hang clothes on the line when weather permits...with 6 children...its a BIG clothesline. Nothing as elegant as this. Keep exciting me everyday with your work..and if you do pieces like this..I will be forced to put down my brushes and just admire....

  7. I like the depth and the energy you have captured here. It is like a deep breath of cool air. Try some more!

  8. This is wonderful! You definitely must do more. We were without a dryer for more than six months last year, most of them winter months. It is really hard to hang washing out of doors in Ontario in the winter, and it doesn't look nearly as picturesque as this when draped around the house.

  9. Great composition, wonderful abstact, geometric quality, plus very artistic brushwork.

  10. very chiseled and lots of contrast in the values. Reminds me of a time when most homes hung their laundry out to dry.
