Friday, November 28, 2008

"Colorful White" --- Sold

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This is the same cup I painted last time, but there are quite a few drastic changes. I didn't use any high chroma colors. Subtlety of the colors is the goal for this one. Using the variation of the color temperature, I make subtle value changes. Following is my color mixing for this painting:
Shadow color: Ultramarine Blue + Burnt Sienna + Alizarin Chrimson + White;
Light color: Ultramarine Blue + White + Shadow color.
I really like this one. I am glad I can make a painting work without using cadmium colors.


  1. I needed to see this. My daughter-in-law came by this morning with my grandbaby so I could get some photos to use for a portrait of the 2 of them. They were both wearing WHITE. I'd been sitting here trying to decide how to do the background. Now I know. Keep if soft and muted with both pale and dark shades. I can see it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Great colors of White! You always make a big statement with those simple still it!

  3. Is "shadow color" a paint color you can buy?

  4. Very nice Qiang-Huang. Limited palette, not so limited!!
    The edges of the canvas showing through is a nice effect too.

  5. Are you trying to keep away from the Cadiumn colors? If so why? Is it because of the toxic quality?
