Saturday, November 8, 2008

2009 Workshop Announcement

I have just updated my workshop page in my website. If you are interested in taking one of my workshops in 2009, please check Here (or click the yellow "Workshop Info" button on the right) and contact the workshop organizers to get detailed information. This is a partial list at this moment. There are still several more in the middle of processing. I will post again when they are ready. I am looking forward to meeting you or seeing you again.

My wife took the photo above when I was teaching a workshop in Mexico in September. I use PowerPoint presentation, painting demo, and individual assistant to make the workshops informative and fun.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a wish for you, Qiang: That every workshop is full, that you sell every 'demo', and that you get personal satisfaction from all of them. I think it's great that you share so much with all of us. I'm constantly referring people to your blog. You GO!
