Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Demo at Mississippi 1"

Hi You'l! I just came back from Deep South. I taught a 3-days workshop at Rolling Fork, Mississippi. I want thank Pat Walker-Field for organizing this workshop and all the artists for participating. Rolling Fork is a wonderful small town at the Mississippi Delta in mist of cotton fields. I enjoyed several days of the warm Southern hospitality, and tasted delicious grits. Now I know who "Muddy Waters" was and where the Teddy bear came from. I really learned a lot, and have more stories to tell.

This painting was the first demo I did at the workshop, showing how to achieve looseness on a painting.


  1. I've been following your blog for awhile and I enjoy each and every one of your paintings.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You make it look SO EASY, Qiang. Beautiful arrangements, seemingly accomplished in so few economic and decisive sweeps of the brush. Each color enhancing and "punching up" whatever is nearby. Just wonderful. Glad you enjoyed the South. Thanks for posting.

  3. WOW....amazing work Qiang. Bold and simple, but yet still elegant and full of life. Beautiful.

  4. As much as I enjoy the setup, I keep coming back to the vivid rust color of the ground... I dig it, great stuff, as usual. :)

  5. Quiang,
    We did have such a great time in Rolling Fork! I learned so much from your workshop and I hope I will get a chance to participate in another one soon! As we say in the South...ya'll come back now.
    Judy Nocifora...Hello from Peter, too.

  6. I never did catch the whole story while we were riding by the cemetery the last day you were here. Now I'm glad I did not, loved reading it on your blog. So glad you came and I learned so much form you. I even started gathering up props to paint. Enjoyed you workshop very much.
