Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Organic Onion" --- Sold

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Is it important that the onion has to be organic for a painting? I don't know. The real idea behind this painting is that I want to present two colors: green and purple. I may generate some disturbance here. Obviously, these are two very different colors. However, I consider these two have a similar color temperature. Generally speaking, it is hard to say which one is cooler or warmer. I have held this opinion for a long time, and I have openly spoken about this at my previous workshop. If you are a color theorist, I am very interested in your comment about this issue.


  1. First off I love your use of color in this painting. Something different for you. To me the background color becomes your cool since all the other is so warm. A new angle to view the painting also. You go! It is wonderful as always.

  2. I admired your work and your persistence as a daily painter.
    I think that the green used is warmer then the purple because there is a lot of yellow (warm))in that green compare to a lot of blue(cool)in the purple.

  3. Your onion painting is lovely. As to the question of green vs purple, and of course we're acknowledging the many variations of each, I think it's a matter of whether yellow or red is warmer, since blue is the color both purple and green have in common, then the color not in common would determine their temp. I've always contended that yellow is warmer than red because of it physical connection to heat, i.e.the sun.

  4. In the color wheel green is the opposite of purple... although a combination so many are not use to on a painting, they do certainly complement each other... the combination exists in nature so wonderfully, like for example lavender bushes... the green of the foliage combined with the intense purple of the flowers creates a harmonious natural combination adored by many landscape painters... I think your painting is spectacular.. it is vibrant and tranquil at the same time, exactly what both colors reflect together, at least for me.

  5. I can't weigh in on the color debate, but I love the shapes in this one.
