Monday, October 30, 2017
"L'Auberge by the water"
This plein air was done at the same location I did my previous water painting. I felt a little more confident I can paint this kind of landscape now. The painting is 9" x 12". It is another good exercise for me to practice painting rocks, tree and water. To appreciate my hosting family, Larry and Marcia Swearinggen for their hospitality and generosity, I give the painting to them as a gift.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
“Court House Rock"
Click Here for Purchase Information
This painting was done near my hosting family's house. I went there around 6:30 AM to catch the morning light. However after I massed in the main colors, the light has changed so much. I went back the second day at the same time, and put on finish touches. I think it is a good way to do 2-session plein air if you want to capture the dramatic light in the early morning.
I have returned to Austin now. I have a few workshop reminders I want to get your attention. From Nov 2 to 5, well known artist, Nancy Tankersley will teaching a "Painting figure from photo" workshop at Austin. From Nov 9 to 11, I will teach a still life painting workshop at Gainesville, GA. Both those workshops still have a few openings. If you are interested in these workshops, please click the above links to sign up. Thank you.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
"By the water" --- Sold
I am at the Phoenix Airport now. Finally, I have found both wi-fi and some time. Now I am able to show you some paintings I did on the Sedona Plein Air Festival. I did this 12"x 16" on the side of a creek near a resort. I don't know how to pronouns its name just remembered it started with letter "L". Anyway that is not important. The important thing is that it was my first time painting water castcating plein air. When I got there, my mind was completely blank. But I still remembered the water is light, the rocks have some very dark shadows, and far ground trees and light surface of the rocks have mid value. I followed my value design and did this one.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
"Cathedral Rock"
This is another plein air piece at Sedona. It takes a few days for me to adapt the color here. I use to use a lot of grey, but at Sedona, the red rocks have forced me to use a lot of orange and red. I have been hesitating to do so. Well, I am learning. I have not done enough to establish a style for plein air yet.
Monday, October 16, 2017
"Good Morning Sedona"
I have arrived at Sedona AZ two days ago. I am so happy coming back to the Red Rock country and participating the Plein Air Festival. I got up really early to catch the morning light. I like how this one turn out.
After the PAF, I will stay here for a few more days and teach a plein air workshop. So far we still have a few openings. If you are interested in painting the beautiful Sedona with me, please check: and sign up. Thanks.
Monday, October 9, 2017
"Demo at Lijiang 2017"
Click here for purchase info
After left Shaxi, we have moved on to a famous city in Yunnan: Lijiang. The city has been commercialized too much. There are too many shops and too many people. This painting was done at a park call the Helongtan Park. I forgot to bring any mineral spirit, and I had to paint directly with out of tube colors. So I was not able to use my wipe-out technique. With many dry marks, the painting has an unusual look. Plein air painting is just like life, we try to be prepared, but there is always something unexpected will happen. We are out of control, but have to deal with whatever happens as much as we can, The result can be surprising, but not always bad.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
"Demo at Stone Forest Yunnan China"
Click Here for Purchase Info
As matter of fact, this is my very first demo painting in Yunnan China. The Stone Forest is a very special geological formation. The rocks there have extraordinary shapes. I took many photos, I will paint them in the future.
Monday, October 2, 2017
"Demo at Shaxi 2017 2" --- Sold
I found this group of old houses under the sun. It was a good example to demonstrate how I dealt with perspectives. So I did this demo, and our artists painted with me. In the middle of our plein air event, a movie director passing by. Well in the afternoon, a few of our artists have been selected as actors for a movie. You will never know what can happen when you paint outside.