Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Alizarin and Viridian" --- Sold

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Newton's First Law says: Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. This law does not only apply to physics but also apply to daily painting as well. If we keep our painting going regularly, it tends to keep moving. Our job is to be alert to those "external forces". In this modern fast speed world, our life is not very livable any more. The "external forces" are ubiquitous (Gosh! I even can use this word). We have to apply our internal force to balance out and keep the momentum going. It is hard to do, but we don't have a choice.

I did this small painting yesterday, trying to understand the Richard Schmid style.


Peter Barker said...

Superb little study Qiang - are you sure richard didn't paint this?!!

Scott Ruthven said...

Qiang-Huang, nice painting. My wife and I were just talking about better managing the external forces so as to live more fulfilling lives..easier said that done sometimes.
Keep up the great work!
Fins on the Fly

Fay Terry said...

Very nice painting, Qiang. I agree totally with your post and you are right, it is often not easy to keep the momentum going, but aah, it feels right when we do. I am getting close to my 300th daily painting but still have much to learn and many more to go.

Barbara Pask said...

I love this. You are just so consistent, your work is such a pleasure to view.

Josh Walden said...

Masterful! This is really great color and application. I am inspired by your work.

Trevor Howard said...

I completely agree about keeping the momentum going in the right direction. It's so easy to get side tracked and not with bad things but there is so much going on. Something can be good, but then there's always something better that you could be doing, but the key is to find what's best and focus on that. The internet is like that - the other day I found myself browsing through cheap Chinese stuff on the internet looking for a deal until my inner self had to say - "this is a waste of time - go paint" BTW love the rendering of the tubes of paint.

Lisa Daria said...

I couldn't agree with you more regarding keeping the momentum going. Once one gets into a daily painting rhythm it's much easier to keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I love this. You are just so consistent, your work is such a pleasure to view.Viridian • Viridian review